PinnedLocked Inside an Expanding Vacuum Beyond Shutdown Hearts While Considering Immediate Emotional…Harsh medicine helps us overcome.Aug 25, 202115Aug 25, 202115
PinnedPublished inThe Partnered PenLiving WageSung to Prince’s “Purple Rain,” my inspiration for this poem/song's rhythm.Feb 24, 20216Feb 24, 20216
PinnedComplex Wonder — Simple GloryThink of the sparkle and happiness change can bring.Dec 13, 20185Dec 13, 20185
Published inThe Partnered PenI Found This Easy Money Passive(Income) Breathing Technique: Work Only 4 Hours a Week!Get the most out of every day and every breath to boost your income and maximize your earning potential.Dec 23, 20234Dec 23, 20234
Published inEverything ShortformCheck out these dumbells; they are a great bargain!(Paid link. I earn commission as an Amazon affiliate.)Nov 25, 20231Nov 25, 20231
Published inEverything ShortformI have returned from the Moon, and story publishing will resume.The desserts were fantastic, but the meals were bland. The most delicious and filling meals I tasted were pasta fagioli soups. Thick with a…Nov 6, 20238Nov 6, 20238
Published inEverything ShortformI’m currently on the moon so no stories will be published until November 6th.Oct 28, 20231Oct 28, 20231
Published inThe Partnered PenI Didn’t Back Down When the Bully Bullied Me!Online social media fights can be entertaining and a method of testing wits.Jul 17, 20233Jul 17, 20233
It’s the 4th of July, Independence Day, so did you read the Declaration of Independence today?Are there hints or suggestions of similar abuses occurring in the United States? You read and decide. I think there are. Our political…Jul 4, 2023Jul 4, 2023