Member-only story
Grasping Super Responsibility, Wanda’s Dilemma
Tabby troubles, costume title details, as well as low-down hoods.
Cats are independent and Charge was the epitome of arrogant feline distinctive attitude. Roaming around her apartment parking lot and grounds gave Wanda time to think while she called out,
“Here kitty, kitty…Charge…”
The sun began to set and daylight faded quickly.
“What will I call myself? Superheroes have to have a catchy name?”
There was that iron guy, the wonder female, a bat dude, but she was electric. Maybe she didn’t need the gender attachment. She could be a one name feature like Madonna or Blondie.
The acronym came to her in a burst of thought. Mom and Dad always used to joke about the Finger of God referring to the bible reference signifying lightning. She will take on the name: FOG
Centering the letters and emblem on the front and back of her costumes would be easy. Nobody would be able to guess her superpowers from her superhero name or know what the acronym stood for.