Have An Accomplish Anything Mind — Preprogram Success — Power Thought
Steps to plug into your future to write and much more using the most powerful source.
When I began to train for powerlifting 26 years ago I initially thought the whole focus centered on getting stronger by lifting heavy weights and practicing the forms for competition. That was a shortsighted mistake. The prime focus in powerlifting is mental training.
I read a book about strength training for powerlifting and the main topic targetted mental imaging, concentration, and mindfulness. How does mindfulness relate to powerlifting or sports?
In powerlifting, there are 3 competition lifts and a lifter gets three attempts at each lift. The lifts must be performed according to rules and are evaluated by three judges.
The lifts are the squat, the bench press, and the deadlift. The squat depth must reach the point where the knees are just below parallel with the hip joint. The bench press must have a controlled, balanced descent, a pause on the chest for a second(the ref will command to press after the bar is stable), and the deadlift must be performed without hitching or jigging on the legs to a completed standing, erect position and then lowered in control.