Thoughts about water.
Dripping, soaking, running free. We want, we want more and more, but dammit I want it chemical free. Flows in its magic always filling my cup so why don’t we all see.
The end lurks near. Without much we’ll be set parched. Should we have paid attention to those who marched?
Something was happening here. Young brave hearts speaking their minds. “Halt your indifferent ways and learn to conserve and save.” Many nations still drinking from muddy puddles. Who can say what is brave?
Will our governments and leaders bend the knee? With all their waste and puffed chest buffoonery. More interested in filling their pockets and patting themselves on the back than seeing to constituents real needs.
Revolution in spirit and mind must work to correct and fix our most vital nutrient before corruption takes its essence.
Drip, drip, drip us right out of existence.
Plastics killing and building in piles. Sealife choking on our waste floating in oceans and underneath extending miles and miles. Is there a way to look at these conditions and smile?