Poop — Most Important Thing In Life
The real scoop!
Most say it’s love but I say that’s bull. You know it’s true when you can’t resist that pull.
When the time is urgent no matter what else may occur one must rush to the throne to avoid the absurd. Impossible to ignore and unforgiving in its wrath the urge must be dealt with and purged from its path.
Poop can interrupt absolutely any event and when it’s ready don’t dare to take too long and try to prevent. Love making and desires are no match. I’m telling you, friend, it is unwise to put off dealing with this itch. The most intelligent will agree the best option is to solve a possible glitch.
And if you disagree, well that’s quite fine but I’d hate to see you delaying the grind and wind up with stained garments no one should find.
No matter the place, no matter the person poop can’t be ignored and it must be given its honor despite any aversion.
Poop is a miracle taking precedence over all. Thinking and reason will bow when it must fall.
Often even though most would not like to admit their greatest ideas appear when they are taking a shit. Some look at their phone and some read a book and one may be writing but hopefully, here no one cooks.