A short tale of fright.
Delicate guarded secrets
Terrible shrieking indifference
See you scowling at the sun
Unseen eyes tell you to flee
Creeping voices send you warning
Shaken pealed and unsheathed
Disturbing delights return to peace
Arrest a problem
World blackens and flees.
Eating my brain, a caterpillar nipping away. The incessant feeding and chomping driving me insane. But, I want more.
Who is this knocking at my door?
Why should I answer?
Dripping from my blade, the crimson drops of my regret. The pounding and demanding, when will it stop? Standing there requiring my attention. Loathing is too light a term to express my distaste and agitation.
How does it select me? Am I some delicious target both weak and credulous? Oh, it drives me wild in rage and contempt! Seething and creeping anger flush blistering rashes of pimpled red splotches covering me.
Another damn solicitation. Wasting my time! Can’t they take a hint — leave me alone.
It’s just wrong. Invading my space. There is no privacy. The world is closing in. Where is the sanctity and recognition of individual? Is it lost?