Cat Cat European from Pixabay

Terrific Tabby Tastes


Wanda’s electrifying beginning creates an unexpected feline result.

Fragments of charged ions remained curiously suspended in the air of the supermarket parking lot for minutes after Wanda drove away. The charred ions were of Wanda’s assailant. The goon who attempted to rape her.

The more than 10 billion watts of pure electric energy Wanda concentrated into her attacker vaporized him instantly.

Before falling into the chemical puddle Wanda had been standing in when struck by lightning, the ions emitted the burnt smell of human flesh attracting a hungry hunter.

Craving the scent of meat a stray calico cat drooled. Her green eyes sparkled as she scampered in a furious sprint. Disappointed, she only found a puddle.

Some cats are wise and know beggars can’t be choosers. Her thirst groaned in her belly nearly as much as her hunger. She lapped at the puddle.

The first lick snapped her head back. Her intuition of warning sparked.



Greg Prince

Bringing real feelings along with messages of inspiration and imagination to life. Awakening is the symptom of my infectious condition. Poetry is my condition.