By Anthony Cantin

The Hole Within — Honest Fear

Greg Prince
5 min readOct 28, 2018


Darkness and Shadows Beneath True Threat

Inside the inside creeping and crawling under my skin, I lie awake sleeping in a lucid dream embedded there with vivid energy and implanted horror.

The house is quiet but the vision is not. Blue light flashes through my mind in an open scene. Spending the last hour and a half coding before bed has imprisoned my thoughts bombarding my half-sleeping conscious but I can not escape or wake.

An odd screeching voice repeating my name in a shrill repeated humming fills my head, “Sarah, Sarah, Sarah…”

The world is aflame. Zeroes and ones are cascading in verticle congested lines ending in a fiery splash. Then, the scene goes into a void. My being is swallowed in a vacuum consuming itself.

I wake in a sweat.

It appears time has ceased to exist.

The rules of physics abandoned.

I was exhausted and went to bed only one hour ago according to the clock beside my bed but I feel refreshed. This has happened to me a lot lately. Since taking this job doing freelance coding for an online casino app my circadian cycles have been out-of-whack.

My physical work during the day is taxing and I need 7 hours of sleep to operate optimally. Designing and putting…



Greg Prince

Bringing real feelings along with messages of inspiration and imagination to life. Awakening is the symptom of my infectious condition. Poetry is my condition.