An entire day off from work before her scheduled 2 in a row seemed like a full vacation. Wanda needed the 3 days away from CostRitz and dealing with all the merchandise emergencies.
Powerful electric bursts flowing from your body was a drastic lifestyle and mindset shock.
Coming to grips with having superpowers looked easy in the movies and comic books but not in the real world. She figured to use her staycation for beginning to process her situation.
What would she use her powers for?
Did she have to wear some clinging to the skin, breast bulging spandex costume every comic book portrayed superhero women in? (Male masturbatory crap)
Did she have to save the world?
Would she kill bad guys or turn them into the police?
So many questions barraging her. The inner dialogue was nuts but it stopped with what began as a hiss then rumbled to a growl.
Charge demanded Wanda’s attention.