Streaming Advances.
Burning down upon my back.
Heat rising in swelling vapor.
Laughing visions caress aching skin.
Drive my heels, keep me on track.
Aspirations unending in earned toils.
Boundaries erased and thrown upon sharp boulders.
Stripping illusions without mercy.
A growing heart listens, sees, and uncoils.
Complex wavering mixed with joys.
Skipping on rungs leading up through trees.
Watching dreams turn into lead.
Creating head stories like precious toys.
Keep hanging on and by a thread.
Piercing truths clear and harsh.
Hang a doubt on paths washed clean.
Can’t take back what i did or said.
- Turn —
- Change —
Believe in a place beyond edges.
Uplift, increase and dig new fields.
Pick up the pieces.
Reconstruct needs and return to simple.
Rainbows up ahead.
Possibilities aflame in thoughts between the creases.