What is your take on Tesla's practice of exploiting African cities resources for mineral to construct batteries. This results in displacing families and robbing them of their land for very little compensation. I understand the also spray very harmful chemical waste in the deserts of Nevada to produce the batteries. This is done under a subsidiary with a different company name. This throws off the scent of investigation. And, there is the question of creating an enormous amount of toxic waste with batteries that must be discarded or their contents disposed of. Environmental hazards will abound. Oh the lands they rape of minerals to make the batteries can become desolate and untenable for building or farming. I've read about these things but it seems to be buried or hidden in mainstream news. It's disturbing. Looks to me like there's a bit of poison in the holy water Tesla and the EV revolution are selling. And the world just dances a happy jig thinking it's new solution is better than the old ones. Maybe I'm overthinking this. LOL.